A new way to Ideate, Organize and Share any type of content
All in one place

| Introduction to Quidzi

Defensione per quas non e e fidem absque inquirente et

Drag and drop your files Handle any Format

Visualize Rich Media Files Simultaneously

Reorder Files Seamlessly Whatever the Format

Co-Edit your Views with Stakeholders

In Voluptate Cillum Dolore Nulla Pariatur

| How Quidzi Works

Get started with just a few clicks


Start to sign in and edit your profile


Create your first Playlist and tell a story with text and files


Build an audience by sharing it to your friends or colleagues



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Quidzi?

How does Quidzi work?

Who is Quidzi made for?

How can I get started with Quidzi during beta pre-release?

Are there tutorials for Quidzi?

Is Quidzi free during beta?

What are the compatible devices?

How contact customer support?

How can I provide feedback?

Where is my data stored? Are my data secure?

Is there a capacity limit per user?

Do we share personal information with third parties?

Is there a community forum or a user group for Quidzi?

How can I stay updated on news and announcements about Quidzi?

What about Founders & Funding?

What files and formats are supported by Quidzi?

Is Quidzi linked to Dropbox and Google Drive?

Do you plan AI integration in Quidzi?